now that i am no longer working and have (baby) dreads, i spend even less time on my hair. having 4 other girls in our home, they were more than happy to take my brand new blow dryer, the mid-low priced straightener, my brushes, and even the cheap product off my hands. i replaced those items with 1) my bottle of almond liquid dr. bronner's, 2) a bar of knotty boy dread shampoo, 3) a various array of bandanas and head wraps and a slew of heavy duty ponytail holders. i wash with either or both soaps every 3-4 days or until i just can't stand my scalp itching anymore. good bye conditioning, brushing, straightening, drying, and good riddance to caring.
all that seems so positive (to me at least) what could possibly be the negatives? uhhh, i live in texas. it's hot. it's may and we are already hitting the mid 90's. my head is hot. there is also the aforementioned itching. dread's have zombie tendencies and like to eat their neighbors, so i have to make sure everyone is separated and playing nicely. you don't even want to see me with out the head wrap and the rubber band. as my brother put it "melissa, your hair is really fluffy". it's beyond fluffy, it's enormous (that's what she said).
i am cool with the negatives. the positives far out way them. to not have to deal with my hair is groovy. it is time i can spend doing something else that is far more worthwhile, like julia childs showing me (via youtube) how to make the perfect omelette. julia, i followed your instructions and my omelette turned out perfect, thanks dreads and thanks julia.